Report of Emergency water trucking in Kori Woreda, Afar Region
Valerie Browning in Afar region with APDA delivering emergency drought relief activities in March 2016
Fund utilised from Barefoot Initiative Limited: USD $ 12,207
Duration of activity: February 20th to March 13th 2016
Report of Activity
Utilizing the fund, 2 water trucks each carrying 14,000 litres were hired to assist 9,800 people in Kori without any other source of water. The trucks filled in Logya and travelled to the sites daily (round trip of 430 kilometres on average). Water was delivered into cisterns (underground tanks that are cement – rendered) that each site got a delivery once in 3 days.
Water monitors travelled in the hired trucks to see that the water was delivered and the community committee signed verification that the water was received. There documents are with APDA.
The Impact of the project
During the period, this absolutely and actually saved lives. APDA at the time was without funding and the government had allocated this community to APDA to get support. Not only were the community relieved of thirst and the threat of death but schools were able to function because water was delivered.
Situation beyond the project implementation
APDA was able to resume funding, however March was a particularly dangerous month and more than the 2 hired trucks were required to assist the community since people continually came from the hinterland in search of water help. The sources they had been depending on had dried out.
As of April 12th, Kori Woreda had 3 rain storms – this then filled all the cisterns they have and relieved the need of trucking.